Frank Murtagh, John Earle and Kenneth Hanlon working on the Christmas lights in Castlepollard this morning.

Castlepollard's Christmas has started

By Megan D'Arcy


Castlepollard’s Christmas lights are an important part of the festive season for locals in the town.

The lights get everyone in the mood for Christmas and create a great atmosphere among the community and business.

CE scheme workers began decorating the 13 trees this morning and will have used with over 780 bulbs by the time they’re finished.

Head of the scheme, Frank Murtagh, had three of the trees completed when we saw them about 11.30am this morning.

His colleagues John Earle and Kenneth Hanlon began the fourth tree while we were there, and in no time had the job done.

Westmeath Council connect the lights to electricity for them to shine bright and spread the festive cheer.