Cross border shopping, wise up!

Dear Editor,In recent weeks, we in the Republic have been assailed ad nauseum on the merits of going up north to stock up on goods which are much cheaper than on our side of the frontier.Fair enough. No one can be blamed for going where the bargains are to be had.However, when I hear people complaining about the schools with their budget shortfalls down here, and the scarcity of hospital beds and equipment I have to conclude that the tens of thousands of shoppers from the south, who gleefully snap up the bargains north of the border have their priorities all mixed up.On Sunday November 30th last, there were many public meetings held in Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim by teachers, parents and schoolchildren. Speaker after speaker excoriated the government for cutting funds badly needed for reduction of class sizes, special needs personnel and equipment, among many other grievances.I did not hear one speaker urge anyone to spend their shopping monies on this side of the border to help alleviate our revenue shortfalls. After all, it"s the public purse which funds everyone, and every car full of shoppers heading north is depriving that same purse of badly needed revenue. I wonder how many of the speakers, not to mention the parents and teachers, who attended the aforementioned gathering to protest, had casually crossed over themselves to stock up on wines, spirits and beers? Quite a few I"d imagine. I would say the following to people with teenagers at school; by supporting our own shops and outlets we are helping to secure jobs for the future, and, I might add, seasonal employment much sought after by younger generations. No use applying for summer work in ASDA in Newry, or Sainsbury"s in Enniskillen. So, I say shop at home, keep jobs at home!I am not simply beating the 'Patriotic drum', nor do I carry the flag for any political party. What I try to do, is to apply everyday logic to the present difficult economic situation. In my work as a taxi driver I enjoy a happy relationship with members of the shopping community and their hard working staff. I genuinely feel I would be letting them down if I headed off in search of bargains up north.After all, I don"t get called out to take shoppers or workers to retails outlets in Newry or Enniskillen. So I would say to all our northern bound good folk, think of the future for yourselves and your children. Short-term gains in cheap booze and other goods could turn out to be costly for all of us in the long run.Billy Tuite,Mullingar.