Rate your teacher

St. Joseph"s Secondary School, Rochfortbridge has found its way onto a website called RateMyTeachers.com, a forum for students and parents across the globe to connect and share reviews on school teachers.The website has been up and running since 2000, has 91 registered users from St. Joseph"s on the website, who have offered 1255 ratings of their teachers, and the school scored an overall average quality 3.8 according to the site.It offers over 10 million ratings of over one million teachers, and with thousands of new ratings daily, users can enjoy new teacher reviews from the Ireland, the United Kingdom, the Unites States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. And while in some schools across Ireland, this site has been used to slate teachers, those at St. Joseph"s have largely been given the thumbs up by students, a winning endorsement for the those teaching in the secondary school by all accounts.If you would like to take a look at this site, or rate your teacher, log onto http://ie.ratemyteachers.com/schools/ireland/rochfortbridge/rochfortbridge_convent.Minor assaultA minor assault was committed on a male outside his home in Rochfortbridge on Saturday, December 27.The assault, which took place at 1.40 in the morning, occurred after the man had left a local pub with his partner. It is thought that the assault was committed by another man living in the same estate.Tools stolenTools worth over €800 were taken from a Renault van on Saturday, December 27.The van, which had been parked in a carpark off the main street in Rochfortbridge, was broken into between 2pm and 4.30pm on that day.