Can only politicians criticise politicians?

Dear Editor, In last week"s Westmeath Examiner you published a report from a Westmeath County Councillor who was complaining about "digs made at every councillor here, but anyone who hasn"t put their name on the ballot paper....".As I come under this category I must ask if this means that only councillors can criticise other councillors and that the members of the public, who elected these councillors, are not allowed to comment on how well or how badly the councillors are representing us?Has free speech gone or do our councillors only wish to hear nice things about themselves to boost their egos?All my life I, like so many others, have done voluntary community work without seeking any reward and as regards putting my name on the ballot paper if I were to do so and if the general public deemed me worthy of election I would guarantee that I would not accept any salary or payment of unvouched expenses.Only out of pocket vouched expenses should be claimed.Yours faithfully,Des Walsh,14 Oliver Plunkett Street,Mullingar