Pain management with reflexology

Many reflexologists can vouch for the fact that having reflexology treatments can help to ease pain in the body.Many can reduce pain killers and some can even come off them. Though reflexology involves directly working on the feet, it is through reflex points in the feet that organs, glands and nerve pathways throughout the body are accessed and treated. It is a very non invasive and relaxing treatment which also has a positive effect on stress levels, leaving the recipient feeling calmer and clearer. There have been some studies carried out on the effects of reflexology in those who are in pain. I have summarised some of these below some of the findings.Migrane and tension headacheA study aimed to ascertain the effectiveness of reflexology on migraine and tension headaches. Two hundred and twenty patients presenting headaches as their primary problem were treated by 78 reflexologists over a three-month time period. The type of headache was diagnosed by a doctor, before the study began. Patients completed a diary once a month prior to treatment and during the treatment time. Questionnaires were completed by the patient at the beginning and end of the series of treatments, and three months after the end of the series. Qualitative interviews were conducted at the end of the treatments. Results: 16 per cent reported that they were cured, 65 per cent said that reflexology had helped, and, 18 per cent were unchanged.In another study, of 100 applicants, 23 of the worst cases were selected for the study. These patients had frequent migraine headache attacks, usually for several years, and had been treated with morphine, ketogan and albergin medications. Three patients withdrew from the study, and the remaining 20 participants received 12 treatments. The results of the study were based on the patient"s evaluation of their own condition. Nine persons (45 per cent) no longer had headaches; 6 persons (30 per cent) felt considerable improvement; 2 persons (10 per cent) felt a little better, and 3 persons (15 per cent) felt no improvement.Shoulder painThis study evaluated the effects of reflexology on shoulder, neck and head pain. Twenty-nine persons, 22 females and 7 males (aged 17 - 71 years) who had suffered from pain 6 months to 30 years (average = 10 years) were selected to participate from forty applicants. Three women withdrew before the end of the study. Each of the remaining 26 participants received 10 foot reflexology treatments. All 26 participants complained of neck pain before treatment. After treatment, 13 participants (50 per cent were pain free; 8 participants (30.77%) felt considerable effect; 2 participants (7.69 per cent) felt little effect, and 3 participants (11.54 per cent) felt no effect.ArthritisA small group of patients were involved in this study. The group was composed of ten patients with long term arthritic pain. Three of the lower back, two of the neck, three of the shoulder and two of the knees/hips. After 10 treatments all 10 patients noticed some relief with 6 patients showing no recurrence of pain over a period of thirty days.Fibromyalgia pain17 people with a Fibromyalgia diagnosis were included in this study. 4 males, 3 females aged between 38 and 69. They had suffered for a period of 1.5 up to 48 years. Each patient received a total of ten treatments. (2 sessions per week). They also did 10 minutes of yoga after the reflexology session. In most cases the pain levels were reduced or stabilized and other symptoms were also reduced. Some had great results other not as dramatic a change, however out of 17 people, 15 reported a decrease in pain and an increase in quality of life.Fiona is a registered Reflexologist, for appointment for therapies contact Wild Earth Natural Health Clinic on: 087 9690936/ 044 93 43308.Reflexology - Allergy Testing - Naturopathic Consultations -Holistic & Aromatherapy Massage - Indian Head Massage - Reiki - Hopi Ear Candle Treatment. VHI, VIVAS & Quinn Health approved.