Got the gift of the gab?

Got the gift of the gab?Then the Westmeath Gathering Steering Group wants youThe Westmeath Gathering Steering Group wants people with the gift of the gab! Working with Westmeath Volunteer Centre, a Westmeath Community Development project, they have launched an initiative to recruit greeters for the Gathering in the Lake County.A Gathering greeter is an ambassador for Westmeath - someone with good local knowledge who can provide information on events and attractions in the area for visitors to Gathering events to help make their stay in the county more enjoyable.The Volunteer Gathering Greeters can come forward for one-off events or for various events during the year and the only skills required are a gift of the gab and a good knowledge of their area.With more than 80 events scheduled in the county this year, the Westmeath Gathering Steering Committee and Westmeath Volunteer Centre are calling for volunteers to come forward to act as Gathering greeters at events including; the St Patrick's Day festivities, particularly in Mullingar and Athlone in March, the Fleadh 63 celebrations in Mullingar in April, the Probus Rally in Athlone in May.If you would like to be a Gathering greeter, contact Ian O'Flynn, Westmeath Volunteer Centre,, or Michelle Raleigh, or call 044 9348571 by February 28.There is an information evening for Gathering greeters in Mullingar on March 4 and in Athlone on March