Tornado alert for Ireland

How do you "batten down the hatches" as they do in America when there are tornadoes on the way?

If you don't know (neither do we), then get googling, because apparently there's a tornado warning in place for Ireland, issued by the European Storm Forecast Experiment ESTOFEX.

Their warning, issued yesterday and active to Friday, is a level one, and cautions that the country may suffer tornadoes, severe wind gusts, and "large hail".

ESTOFEX's meteorologists predict that a plume of moist air masses originating from the subtropical Atlantic will spread north east, and continue northeward.  The main focus of convective activity will be the low-level jet ahead of the cold front, and showers and thunderstorms will develop in the warm air advection regime.

The conditions, apparently, have the potential to create "supercells" capable of producing tornadoes and large hail.


Interestingly, the first recorded tornado in Europe occurred in 1054 at Rostella, Kilbeggan.