Harkin calls for windfarm study
“There is urgent need to have an independent assessment of the balance of individual, community and national interests in the matter of windfarms before any planning applications are considered for large scale windfarm developments.”
This was stated by MEP Marian Harkin when she urged the development of a dialogue which could help to avoid dividing communities in areas where windfarms are proposed.
At the Ploughing yesterday she said: ““Windfarms provide an opportunity for some farmers to earn badly needed income but they also lead to a reduction in the value of property for others. This situation must not be allowed to divide communities who have concerns about the development of windfarms in the midlands and elsewhere.
“Good community, neighbour and family relations have a value which has no economic equal. Unfortunately the way in which the windfarm issue is evolving has the capacity to cause most unfortunate community and family divisions.
“This is why it will be important to have an independent evaluation of the pros and cons of developing windfarms and I urge all of the interested parties to quickly get together to discuss the proposal and avoid it becoming a highly divisive issue with long lasting damage to communities.”