USI president Joe O'Connor.

The USI's vision for post-bailout Ireland

As the new year commences, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has set out a vision for post-bailout Ireland.

It says that exiting the bailout programme marks an important step in Ireland’s recovery. While severe short-term and long-term challenges remain, we can now start the conversation on the Ireland of tomorrow.

The USI envisages actions that the government should take in order for Ireland to get back on its feet post-bailout.

Included in the vision statement are 10 actions:

• Commit to properly fund Higher Education.

• Take action to address the Youth Unemployment Crisis.

• Reform the political system.

• A living wage.

• Budgeting for Equality.

• Legislate for collective bargaining in all industries.

• Relieve mortgage debt on hard-pressed families.

• Scrap the waste in public spending.

• Tackle the cost of living by controlling rent and improving social housing.

• Invest in Community Mental Health services.

USI president Joe O’Connor said: “Now that we as a country have regained our economic sovereignty, it is time that we put an end to short-term thinking and start working towards shaping the future we want for Ireland.

As the future drivers of our economic recovery, it is vital that young people and students have a say in the direction we now take. We may not have brought about the economic difficulties this country finds itself in, but we want to play our part in helping to resolve them.

This vision statement sets out what we see as 10 necessary actions to get this country up and running again, both as a productive economy, and as a fair, equal and progressive society.”

Read the USI’s Vision for Post-Bailout Ireland document in full here.