Ask your pharmacist lower back pain management part 2

Eamonn Brady is a pharmacist and the owner of Whelehans Pharmacy, Pearse St, Mullingar. If you have any health questions e-mail them to
This is a continuation of last week’s article in the Westmeath Examiner. I discussed a little about management of lower back pain last week.

Stay Positive – Most back pain resolves within 6-8 weeks. Physiotherapy can help to speed up healing and help prevent persisting or recurring pain. A positive attitude about your recovery goes a long way in aiding recovery.
Educate yourself – There is an abundance of evidence to suggest that knowing more about your back pain helps to ease fear and anxiety associated with this condition, which in turn helps promote a good recovery.
Use appropriate pain medication - Talk to your pharmacist or GP about the use of appropriate pain medication for the management of your pain in the initial phase. This won’t mask your pain, but will allow you to move better and get on with strengthening your back so it doesn’t become stiff and weak.
Wear good footwear – High heels can cause you to arch your back more which may aggravate back pain more. Try and stick to shoes with a small 1inch heel to give the back some support without over-extending it.  
Postural Awareness - A good chair can make all the difference to your pain in sitting. Sit to the back of the chair so the low back is supported, keeping feet flat on the ground and knees slightly below hip height.
Watch your weight - Extra weight, particularly around the mid-section can add extra strain to the muscles and ligaments of the back. Further-more, the spine can be stressed unevenly to compensate for the extra weight. If you feel your back pain is preventing you from exercising and losing weight, try doing small amounts of exercise, consistently.
Sleeping position – Lying flat on your back can arch your spine causing the joints in your back to move closer together, which can contribute to back pain. Try lying on your side with a pillow between your knees, which facilitates gapping the joints in your back slightly, thus allowing you a more comfortable night’s sleep.
Lifting/Carrying – avoid carrying heavy bags on back or laptops slung over one shoulder. Bend your knees when lifting an object and try not to bend and twist the back at the same time.
Symptom Control – Ice/heat, gentle massage, Jacuzzi baths, sauna and gentle back movements may help manage the early symptoms of low back pain. Warning symptoms: Contact GP or Chartered Physiotherapist immediately if back pain is associated with: Accident/trauma; Abnormalities with bladder or bowel; Night sweats and weight loss; Gait disturbance and Pins and needles/numbness between your legs
Benefits of Pilates
Pilates is a form of body conditioning that focuses on developing a strong core by using the deep abdominal muscles to control movement and postures.  Pilates develops tone and flexibility throughout the body and is a great way to strengthen your back, prevent injury, improve sports performance and to help you look and feel great!
Talk on Lower Back Pain:Whelehans Pharmacy in conjunction with Chartered Physiotherapist Sinead Brogan of FlexPhysio (Physiotherapy Service at Whelehans Pharmacy) is holding a free talk on Lower Back Pain on Tuesday November 18th at 7pm in the Greville Arms Hotel. Sinead will discuss pain relief, improving flexibility, restoring muscle strength and length, increasing your range of motion and suppleness, when to seek urgent medial treatment and beneficial exercises. Pharmacist Eamonn Brady will also speak. Book your free place by calling Whelehans at 04493 34591.

This article is shortened to fit within Newspaper space limits. More detailed information and leaflets is available in Whelehans