Members of the Mullingar Networking Group (from left) Michael (Spike) Fagan, Fagan Office Supplies, founder member; Jonathan Action, Home Instead Senior Care, chairman; Paul Ennis, Key Guard Security, treasurer; and Raymond Ryan, Stephens Cooke, president.

Business network groups invite to open day tomorrow

The Mullingar Networking Group (MNG) would like to invite you to their open day on March 4 at Bloomfield House hotel.

The MNG was set up in 2014 to promote business within the town and surrounding areas. The ultimate goal of the group is to get more business for each other and offer quality business referrals to our group members.

“There are many benefits to joining the MNG such as learning how to develop your business from like-minded people; presentation skills; innovative networking strategies to name but a few,” said Raymond Ryan, president of the MNG.

“To maximise business for our members, we ensure there is only one member from each strand of business. For example, we have one accountant, one engineer, one hardware store owner etc.”

If you are interested in becoming part of this fast growing organisation and would like to learn more about the MNG then you can call Jonathan Acton (chairman) on 087 9862148 or email

Places are limited for this open day and booking is essential. “We look forward to hearing from you and showcasing the benefits of the MNG on the day,” said Raymond.