Whelehans pharmacys aisling murray discusses the importance of eating breakfast

The reason breakfast is vital to us is due to the fact that we are fasting all night. Many of us fast for 9 or 10 hours during the night so eating a healthy, energy fuelled breakfast is vital. By skipping breakfast you are leaving yourself susceptible to adverse health effects, weight gain and lower performance.

There are studies to which prove that eating a healthy breakfast can help:

-Improve concentration and performance

-Reduce cholesterol levels

-Increase nutritional intake such as vitamins and minerals

Breakfast and weight control

Individuals who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who skip breakfast. By eating breakfast you are reducing hunger throughout the day, meaning you are more inclined to select healthier food choices at other meals. The impression certain people have on skipping breakfast is that you are saving calories; the truth is that skipping breakfast means you are more likely binge throughout the day and eat larger meals such as lunch.

As part of a healthy lifestyle and weight control, it is essential to include breakfast. Aim for breakfasts that contain protein and/or whole grains and not processed meats (eg. fry ups) or sugar dense cereals which can be loaded with fat and calories.

Check food labels

Even sweet cereals can also have high levels of salt so always check the label before purchasing. It is not unusual for a cereal to have 1/3 of your Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of sodium (salt). Greater than 1.5g of Salt per 100g is considered very high. For example, Special K® has 1.1g of salt per 100g and corn flakes have 1.3g per 100g; take that into consideration if you have any health concerns (eg) too much salt can raise blood pressure. The same goes for sugar content; some cereals have as much sugar (per 30g serving) as 3 chocolate digestive biscuits (eg) Crunchy Nut® Cornflakes has 35g of sugar per 100g. Any food which contains more than 15g of sugar per 100g is high in sugar. Similarly Special K®, which many consider to be a low fat cereal, has 17g of sugar per 100g. Anything less than 10g of sugar is more preferable; too much sugar in the morning can lead your sugars to rise to quickly which can cause a “sugar crash” later in the morning and increase hunger pangs. It’s vital to stabilise your sugars as this will help regulate your hunger and mood and reduce a future risk of diabetes.

The likes of porridge and high fibre cereals like Weetabix® are likely to keep you fuller for longer. Don’t forget, you can add fruit like bananas and blueberries to the likes of porridge to help achieve your “five a day”.

Keep fuller for long

Choose a breakfast that will keep you fuelled for 2-3 hours. A wholemeal breakfast is the best choice for keeping your hunger pangs at bay (eg) Porridge, Branflakes®, Weetabix®, Brown bread. Wholegrain choices also contain more vitamins and minerals as they are not processed and are highly beneficial in the diet as they contain fibre.

Fibre from adequate sources can reduce the absorption of dietary fats and cholesterol, which may result in lower blood cholesterol concentrations thus reducing the risk of heart disease.


Weekly weigh in clinic: Currently I am offering a weight loss program where your BMI and waist measurement is calculated and I check your weight weekly. You get tips and motivation weekly to help you lose weight all at a great weekly rate of €10 per week. Drop into the pharmacy for more details regarding this program or call Aisling at 044 9334591.

Whelehans Nutrition Service

Whelehans nutritional service is a private one to one advice service with our nutritionist Aisling Murray. Aisling’s areas of interest include weight loss management, nutrition education and food intolerance. Our nutrition service offers you the chance to change your life in a positive way by focusing on your overall wellbeing as well as the chance to follow up on your progress.


Aisling Murray has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and offers a one to one specialist nutrition service at Whelehans Pharmacy. Call Whelehans at 04493 34591 for an appointment