Dunnes workers fighting for the right to secure hours and fair pay

Dunnes Stores workers in Mullingar today joined thousands of others across the country as they hold a one-day strike on Holy Thursday.

The industrial action organised by Mandate Trade Union is over better working hours and conditions.

While a small number of customers continued to cross the picket line, the aim of Dunnes workers is to keep as many as possible out of Dunne Stores on a day when the sale of alcohol doubles ahead of Good Friday.

“We’d like to know from week to week what way we’re working. You have people who can’t get mortgages because of our contracts," said one worker who has been with the company for seven years. 

“We just want what Tesco fought for, Penney’s fought for, which is banded hours."

Another employee who has been with Dunnes Stores for 15 years explained that “A lot of the time you’re punished. If you don’t do what you’re told your hours are dropped.

“If you speak up to a manager you are shut down. If you can’t come in because you are sick or your child is sick, the following week your hours will be dropped. Dunnes Stores comes ahead of family at all times."

“They say that they have an open door policy but they are unapproachable."

Hopeful that this strike action will change things the workers say they are willing to hold industrial again if conditions don't improve.

“We’re walking on eggshells here the whole time. It’s getting progressively worse.

“There are a lot of workers standing together here. We’re standing together in solidarity."