Whelehans pharmacys ann mcnelis on hair loss

Hair loss

Many women and men experience thinning hair or hair loss from their 30’s and 40’s. There are many possible causes including emotional trauma, stress, hormonal changes, family history (eg. male pattern baldness), and some medical conditions (eg. alopecia). Hormonal problems are also affected by the thyroid gland so thyroid problems can sometimes cause the hair loss. Women often lose hair after child birth. Throughout the pregnancy hormones will be at their highest level so hair will be fuller, thicker and healthier. After childbirth hormones levels will fall to their normal levels causing the hair to become thinner and in some cases fall out.

Hair loss can be caused by medication eg chemotherapy. The chemotherapy targets all cells in the body not just the cancer cells hence hair loss. The loss can be gradual or it can fall out in clumps; hair grows back after chemotherapy is finished. Other prescription medication which very occasionally cause some hair loss in some include oral contraceptives, HRT, blood pressure and epilepsy medicines. Generally we shed between 50-100 hairs per day. As new hair is growing all the time we don’t usually notice the loss as new hair is continually growing. Check www.whelehans.ie for our pharmacist’s detailed article on hair loss.


Keraplant Energizing® is a specific range of treatments designed to limit excessive hair loss. Keraplant Mud® is a weekly treatment which eliminates toxins thus preparing the scalp for hair growth. Keraplant Energizing Shampoo Keraplant Mud® should be used up to three times a week by massaging it evenly over the scalp. Keraplant X-Factor® Super-intensive treatment is a daily application enriched with extract of ginger, menthol and trichocomplex helping to stimulate hair follicles for an energising effect that tones, regenerates and strengthens the scalp and hair. It should be applied once a day for at least 3 months. The Keraplant® range hydrates the hair follicles and skin. It tones the scalp decelerating hair loss. Whelehans now stock the complete Keraplant® range. Other treatments in the range include Anti-grease Sebum Treatments, Purifying Anti-dandruff Treatment and Nutrient Repair Treatments.


Disclaimer: The Keraplant® range is not an alternative to medical consultation and treatment when hair loss is for medical reasons


Written by Ann McNelis, Beauty Consultant at Whelehans Pharmacy Mullingar. For skincare and makeup tips and advice including free consultations, call in to Whelehans or call us at 04493 34591 or check www.whelehans.ie