Whelehans pharmacy reducing the risk of obesity related diseases

This is a continuation of my article from last week’s Examiner

Its common knowledge that being overweight is not good for your health and the risk of certain diseases such as diabetes type 2, stroke, coronary heart diseases and certain cancers are increased. There are a number of ways you can reduce your weight but the healthiest way is by eating a balanced diet and exercising.

Dangers relating to being overweight

Having excess abdominal fat is extremely dangerous as it is stored around the organs like the liver, heart and lungs and is the cause of damage to the cells and tissues around these regions. This in turn can lead to a greater risk of heart disease and stroke. If you are concerned about your weight there are a few life changing alterations you need to make.

Balanced diet

A balanced diet is just that, it’s a balanced way of eating. The simplest way to identify a balanced diet is outlined in the Food Pyramid. A balanced diet not only helps us feel good, but it can also help us lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. A balanced diet can reduce our risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers.

In order to eat a balanced diet its essential to combine several different types of healthy foods. These foods are categorised into food groups including carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, dairy, protein and healthy fats.

Guide to what we should eat daily

Carbohydrates: 6 – 8 portions daily this includes bread, rice potatoes, pasta, etc. Brown or wholemeal versions are better

Fruit and vegetables: 5+ portions should be consumed daily

Dairy: 3 portions a day; opt for low fat where possible (for weight loss)

Protein: 2 portions; include meat, fish , eggs, beans and lentils

By eating a balanced diet you can also increase fibre intake which helps absorb extra fat and cholesterol. Essential vitamins and minerals and antioxidants all contribute to good all round health. Include a range of coloured foods from green, to orange, red, and yellow.

Choose whole fruits and vegetables over juices as they include more fibre. Try and include plenty of fish in the week as it contains healthy omega -3 fats or flax seeds if fish is not desired.


Weight loss can be difficult at the best of times but when you are eating too much of a good thing it can be very frustrating. The foods you are consuming should be healthy but this doesn’t mean you can over eat them at meal times (going back for seconds etc.). Foods like nuts, coconut, avocado, fruit, dairy, meat are all beneficial in the right quantity.

These foods can contain high levels of fat/sugar/salt and it’s important for weight loss that you know how much you are consuming. I recommend watching your portions of vegetables too by making sure you are eating enough of them in a day. To avoid overeating stick to recommend portions for each food group and try eating from a smaller plate.

To ensure you get more vegetables at lunch and dinner time place them onto your plate before any other food.


If you are inactive your risk of disease is higher than someone of the same weight who walks for 30 minutes a few times a week. When I mention exercise I am not expecting you to be working out for hours on end in the gym.

I suggest to most clients to go for a walk/swim/cycle 3-4 times a week for 30minutes; this will aid in weight loss and also improve fitness level. Regular exercise also decreases intra-abdominal fat, reducing risk of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases. A weigh loss of 10% of your body weight can greatly help reduce risk of disease so every little helps.

Aisling Murray has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and offers a one to one specialist nutrition service at Whelehans Pharmacy. Call Whelehans at 04493 34591 for an appointment