Whelehans Pharmacys Lorraine Murphy: benefits of multi-masking


When you go to a beauty salon, the therapist will use multiple products when giving a facial. The reason for this is to strategically treat each area individually to optimise the benefits to your skin. You can give your skin a similar treat at home by multi-masking. Multi-masking is exactly what it says.

The skin on our cheeks may be drier then the skin around our T-zone and again the skin around the eyes is very delicate and needs another different treatment. We don’t put a neck cream around our eyes or an eye cream on our cheeks, so why put on one face mask and expect it to treat all areas?

You can use many masks that correspond to the different areas of skin. If you have dry, very dry or hydrated skin you can apply Thalgo Melt Away® mask then for the T-zone apply Elizabeth Arden Peel and Reveal® mask and finally for the delicate eye area, apply the Glamglo Brightmud® Eye treatment. By using the three masks you are specifically targeting the problems in each area and maximising the benefits for you individual skin. Another mask can be used on the especially dry areas, Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference® Hydration Night mask can be applied and left on overnight to give a lovely soft hydrated complexion in the morning.

Whatever problems arise with your skin, you can use as many masks as you like. If your skin is more combination and oily you could use Elizabeth Arden Peel and Reveal®on the cheek area, a clay or charcoal mask on the oilier area around the nose and chin and the Glamglo Brightmud® Eye treatment around the eye.

So get multi-masking to get the multi-benefits and see the difference in your skin for yourself.

Written by Lorraine Murphy, Beauty Consultant at Whelehans Pharmacy Mullingar. For skincare and makeup tips and advice including free consultations, call in to Whelehans or call us at 04493 34591 or check www.whelehans.ie