Home Instead:Activities to keep you warm in autumn

Yes, autumn is finally on the way. As the hot days of summer give way to the cool breezes of the fall, many taking care of elderly individuals will want to think of new activities that can keep their senior loved ones engaged. With that in mind, here are a few suggestions for fall-themed activities.

Foliage Outing
It's an oldie but a goodie — which may also describe one's senior loved one! Few things are as delightful as experiencing the beautiful colors of nature during autumn. A foliage outing can be as simple or as involved as an individual wishes. Just strolling through the local park with an elderly partner may be all that is needed, but, if the circumstances are appropriate, a person can plan an afternoon-long (or even weekend-long) excursion to someplace where the foliage is considered truly magical. For many, the change of scenery may be a wonderful experience.


Leaf Crafts
Those taking care of elderly loved ones should be sure to pick up some samples of the more colorful foliage they encounter on these excursions. They can be the basis of any number of entertaining craft activities. For example, the leaves can be put together to form a wreath to hang on the front door.  Or leaves can be dipped in paint and then pressed against paper to create leaf silhouettes; these can form the basis of some Halloween or Thanksgiving decorations later in the year.

A Knitting Party
Many seniors enjoy knitting, and the cooler weather of fall (and the approaching cold of winter) give a person a good excuse to knit up a storm. Those taking care of elderly individuals may want to take advantage of this interest to have a knitting party. Invite friends of the loved one who also enjoy knitting; it's a wonderful way to have a social gathering that doesn't require much planning.

​Fall Into Cooking
Designate certain meals for autumn-themed menus. It's easy to find leaf or pumpkin shaped cookie cutters to make tasty fall desserts. Pumpkin soup can be a hearty starter for a dinner, and shiny red apples brighten up any table. Entrees that don't have a specific autumnal relationship can be served on plates with festive patterns that celebrate the season.
Halloween If a person is taking care of elderly patients who are good sports, see if they want to dress up for Halloween. Many young children get a kick out of trick or treating at a house and finding that the candy givers are as in to the spirit of the holiday as they are.