RIGHT Rev Canon Alastair Graham with Marion and Arthur O'Toole, who prepare the cakes and other treats for the weekly coffee mornings at All Saints Church. They are holding a list of the charities that have benefited from the funds raised at the event in the last two years – see text on left for det

Coffee mornings at All Saints mark two years of fundraising

The All Saints Thursday coffee morning celebrated their second anniversary on All Saints Day, Thursday November 1.

What makes the coffee morning so special is the warm welcome extended to everyone without any strings attached.

All voluntary financial contributions are donated to local charities and €15,500 has been raised over the two years.

The delicious cakes and other delights for the palate are generously prepared by Arthur and Marion O’Toole and given as their gift each week.

The parish rector, Revd Alastair Graham, said: “At the heart of the Christian community is hospitality and the coffee mornings are an excellent example of hospitality in action.

“Good conversation and friendly company are much in evidence every Thursday and the midday prayers provide an opportunity for quiet discernment and thoughtful prayer.”

Revd Graham extended, on behalf of the Church of Ireland Parish, a warm welcome to everyone living in Mullingar and the surrounding areas to call in any Thursday and said the coffee mornings were becoming a very important ministry in the parish.

Charities that have benefited are:

St Vincent de Paul, €1,335.19;

Good2Talk, €1,510.25;

St Dominick’s Meals on Wheels, €2,510.35;

St Brigid’s School, €2,383.15;

TEAM, €3,372.22;

North Westmeath Hospice, €2,459.87;

Helium Art, €367.67;

CoI Orphan Society, €660.50;

Mullingar Mental Health, €936.71.


Other events

Whist drives at All Saints, on Fridays at 8.30pm include supper and great prizes. The Christmas Whist Drive is on Friday December 7 at 8.30pm.

The Rock Solid Youth Club meets on Thursday November 15 at 7.30pm in All Saints. The AGM of the Westmeath Protestant Orphan Society is at 2.30pm in the Rectory on Thursday November 15.

This year’s Children’s Music Festival is on Sunday November 18 at 11am in All Saints.

The enrolment service for the Boys Brigade and Girls Association is on Sunday November 25 at 11am in All Saints Church.