The Presbyterian church in Mullingar.

New Presbyterian minister to be installed this weekend

More than a year since their last minister moved on to a new church, the Presbyterian community in Mullingar this weekend will see a new incumbent in the role.

The Linkage Commission granted Mullingar and Corboy Presbyterian Churches ‘Leave to Call’, which took both churches on the next step of the journey to have a new minister to replace the Rev Stephen Lockington, who took up the position of minister at the First Antrim Presbyterian Church in Antrim in September 2017.

As a result, Rev Daniel Reyes-Martin will be installed as minister of Corboy and Mullingar Presbyterian Churches on Saturday December 1 in Mullingar Church at 4pm.

On Sunday December 2 Rev Reyes Martin will conduct his first service in Corboy at 10am, and refreshments will be served after the service, followed at 11.30am with a service in Mullingar.

Born in Spain, the Rev Reyes-Martin trained for the ministry in Belfast in 1993-97 and has ministered in Ireland since 2007.

He previously served in Monaghan and in Kilkenny.