RIGHT:Back from left: Bernie McHugh, LARCC, Veronica Nally, Rita Nally, Sheena Robinson and Bridie McKenna; (front) Rosaleen Madden, Teresa McKenna, Breege Galligan and Patricia Sheridan, LARCC.

LARCC Easter Hand Knitted Chicks fundraiser

LARCC wishes to thank the annual co-ordinator of Easter Hand Knitted Chicks fundraiser, Patricia Sheridan, who puts a huge amount of work into sourcing knitters, eggs and venues for selling the chicks, and the money she has raised through her campaign grows year on year. Her energy and enthusiasm are much appreciated.

Patricia wishes to thank all her many knitters, and was delighted to welcome a number of them for the accompanying photo.

She thanks all the businesses and individuals who sponsored boxes of eggs and the several venues who let her and her fellow volunteers Mary and Mary and Ger spend days in various outlets selling the hand knitted chicks.

All your combined support has led to €6,174 being raised to help community based professional cancer support services continue to be provided in your area.

LARCC Pamper Days

On the first Thursday of every month, clients are treated to a range of therapies and treatments in the relaxed atmosphere of the centre. Pamper Days are designed for small groups who would like to arrange a pamper day together.

Clients are treated to a therapy, a light lunch and a session of visualisation and meditation.

Cancer Support Sanctuary LARCC, Coole Road, Multyfarnham: 044 937197; cancersupport.ie.