Mullingar has second highest number of patients on trolleys this morning

Mullingar Hospital has the second highest number of patients on trolleys in the country this morning, figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) indicate.

The figures show that nationally, 162 admitted patients are waiting for beds this morning – including 14 in Mullingar.

All 14 are on trolleys in the Emergency Department.

Ahead of Mullingar in the list is St Vincent’s University Hospital, at 18; and following Mullingar is University Hospital Waterford, at 13.

About the INMO Trolley Watch

Every morning at 8am, INMO members count how many patients are waiting in the Emergency Department for a bed and how many are waiting in wards elsewhere in the hospital.

The INMO Trolley Watch counts the number of patients who have been admitted to acute hospitals, but who are waiting for a free bed. These patients are often being treated on trolleys in corridors, but they may also be on chairs, in waiting rooms, or simply wherever there’s space.

The INMO started Trolley Watch in 2004.