COVID-19 changes the way many of us work

Almost half the population have had their work life affected by COVID-19, a new report from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has revealed.

According to the report, Employment and Life Effects of COVID-19, 47 per cent of people over 15 have experienced what's described as “employment impacts” related to the pandemic. A third of those whose work life has been affected are remote working from home while almost a quarter have seen a change in their working hours.

Of those who have lost their employment, were temporarily laid off or are on leave (paid or unpaid), 94% expect to return to the same job.

The report also found that fear of shopping is highest among the older population, while almost a quarter of the population aged 15 years and over are feeling lonely, with older and younger people feeling this the most.

Commenting on the data, CSO statistician, Sinead Bracken, said:

“Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many changes to employment and day-to-day life for the people of Ireland. This publication analyses changes to work/employment, emotional well-being, effect on finances, and the impact on families for the Irish population aged 15 years and over.

“...The COVID-19 pandemic has seen 46 per cent of the population aged 15 years and over increasing positive family time, with 59 per cent of the population increasing their contact with family via telephone, Skype, Facetime etc.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the emotional well-being of the population aged 15 years and over in that 17 per cent are worried about money, 24 per cent are feeling lonely and 26 per cent are afraid to go shopping. People aged over 65 years are those most afraid to go shopping,” she said.