We are now at a stage of hope as we recover from Covid-19

PAID CONTENT: Home Instead, Marlinstown Office Park, Mullingar - 044 9385260



By Jonathan Acton - jonathan.acton@homeinstead.ie

As I wrote this on (Friday June 26) we were awaiting conformation on the formation of government between three parties.

That news has since been confirmed and Ireland can start planning its recovery plan. We have all made sacrifices to ensure we got through the pandemic safely, though, unfortunately, some were not as lucky and paid the ultimate price.

For us at Home Instead we are grateful to the HSE and Department of Health for the speed at which the HSE worked to share information and best practices to help keep Covid-19 out of people’s homes in the community.

Both locally and at national level, I can honestly say the communication and support we received from the HSE was a big comfort in a time of uncertainty.

In addition I want to acknowledge the HSE for helping us by not only offering the latest advice and training but also giving us much needed PPE to ensure we can continue to safely care for our seniors in their own homes.

Too often lately I have listened to negative comments on how this unprecedented pandemic was managed, but in my opinion, the HSE staff that I would know and be in contact with were, like us, working day and night to do their best for everyone in the community.

So what are we doing differently at Home Instead?

Well if you need to visit our office in Marlinstown, Mullingar you will notice we have protective screens in place, safe seating areas and safe social distancing lined out in our office.

We have sanitising stations and regular in-house meetings to ensure and remind we are complying with all advised measures.

We have had to mobilise our office staff to ensure our amazing CAREGivers have enough PPE to safely provide care in the home. This often means early starts and late finishing but our dedicated staff are up to the challenge.

Also we have specialised online training programmes, which are regularly updated and circulated to all staff, to ensure they are fully aware of the latest guidelines.

It’s exciting to think that the reopening of the country is being accelerated due to the amazing response of the Irish people in the face of this deadly pandemic.

The reality is, if we had not responded so positively to measures introduced by government, then we could have been looking at a more bleak future over the next 12 months.

Instead we are now at a stage of hope and positivity as a new government is formed and we rise to the biggest challenge of our time… the recovery from Covid-19.

Let’s hope we continue to get positive news in relation to suppressing Covid-19 and continue with plans to get our economy and communities back to the good old days.

Covid-19 it has raised awareness for the importance of homecare and how valued CAREGivers are.

CAREGivers help people to stay safely in their own homes and communities instead of having to go to residential care settings.

Some people may only need help for an hour or two each day and other may need more.

At Home Instead, we tailor a care plan to suit your needs and I would be happy to meet with anyone who wants to explore the idea of care in the home for their loved ones or themselves.

Just call me on 04493 85260 if you have any questions and I will be happy to help.

Stay safe!