Cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle

“Rather cloudy today with scattered outbreaks of rain and drizzle,” forecast national weather service provider Met Eireann

The sunny weather that much of the region enjoyed over the weekend was shortl-lived, and we return to our regular broadcast of scattered outbreaks of rain and drizzle for much of the rest of today.

“Rather cloudy today with scattered outbreaks of rain and drizzle,” forecast national weather service provider Met Eireann.

As if to tease they also predict: “Dry periods will occur too though, with some limited bright or sunny intervals.”

These though are expected to be confined mostly to the south of the country.

Highest temperatures of 16 to 19 degrees in moderate southwest breezes.

Tonight then will also “mostly cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle”. These will become more persistent for a time tonight, with mist patches forming too in some areas.