Mullingar La Leche League marks World Breastfeeding Week

(Above) La Leche League member Joanne Hickey with her baby Liam.

They may not be able to mark World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7) the way they usually would due to Covid-19, but the leaders of the Mullingar branch of La Leche League are still very active raising awareness and supporting mothers and soon to be mothers.

One of the leaders of the group Sharon Behan said that while all in person group meetings and home visits are currently suspended, she and her colleagues are still available to provide guidance and support.

“As leaders we're all trying to give a little, give something back, pay forward the support we received and took to our hearts,” she said.

Ms Behan said that as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic many parents find themselves seeking extra support and information to establish and sustain breastfeeding.

She added that it was hard to overstate the benefits of breastfeeding both for newborn children and the environment.

“More parents are choosing breastfeeding to optimise the health of their children, their own health and the health of the planet. Breastfeeding is a natural, renewable food that is environmentally safe and produced and delivered without pollution, packaging or waste. Breastmilk is produced naturally by the body at the perfect temperature and in the correct amount. Human milk is the most sustainable first food for infants. It provides optimum nutrition for infants, making it an organic and guilt-free fast food.”

For more information on La Leche League click here.