WATCH! ETNS Mullingar celebrate World Book Day

World Book Day is normally a reason for an annual celebration at Educate Together National School (ETNS) in Mullingar.

This year, because of the pandemic, everything is different, but that hasn't stopped the fun.

Sorcha Carmody and Sophie Hegarty, teachers at ETNS, didn’t want to let the day pass without marking it, so they organised a video.

“We normally do a big dress-up for World Book Day, but only half the school is back,” Ms Carmody told the Westmeath Examiner this morning.

“We thought that wasn’t feasible this year, so we just said we’d do a little pick-me-up for the kids.

“It’s kinda funny, it’s just a bit silly really!

“We would usually have a book fair and lots of activities, face to face, and authors coming, but we couldn’t do that this year, so we said we’d make a little video instead.”

The school principal, Roísín Nic Tighearnáin, and other members of staff feature in the video.

Some of the classics from the world of literature aimed at younger readers are highlighted in the video.

Find out more about World Book Day here.

Here's the video - enjoy!