Your children will lose teeth for life, if they go unchecked

Dr Anne O’Donnell (BDS NUI) from Mullingar Dental discusses how she can help save your Children’s teeth.

The redeployment of public sector dentists to Covid vaccination duties will have a lifelong negative impact on your children. Normally children are seen for their dental checkups by the HSE dental service in second and sixth class. However since March 2020, the HSE dental staff have been seconded to Covid testing and now to Covid vaccinations and dental exams for most second class students have been cancelled in 2020 and 2021.

Children are seen in second class because by this age, children have their first permanent molars. Having a check up and having these teeth fissures sealed to prevent decay, is crucial at this stage. It will be two to three years before we see the full effect of children missing these check ups and that will be when children present with toothache and these large molars need to be extracted. No parent wants to see their child with toothache.

Here at Mullingar Dental, we are very concerned about this and have decided to offer a FREE video consultation when you purchase our Triple Bristle Toothbrush and BioMin Toothpaste (You may submit photos prior to the consultation so we can assess beforehand). The process is really simple and allows parents to have their children’s teeth assessed from home, without having to take time off work.

If your child needs to come into our practice following on from this consultation, we will then offer a complimentary intra-oral 3D scan and a 2D large X-ray for €25 (normally €50). We also recognise that at the end of the day good oral home care is key to your children having healthy mouths, and we are always seeking out the best and most innovative dental products.

The Triple Bristle Toothbrush and BioMin Toothpaste have become our most recommended products here at Mullingar Dental and by combining home care, with an online consultation, it offers your child the best of both worlds! This is aimed primarily for children, but healthy mouths should be the goal for the whole family, and we will happily include any parents on this offer.

Don’t wait any longer ... Call us today on (044) 93 40370 or visit our website for more information: