Loughegar Rural Stage School members.

Kinder, Junior, Senior and Rural Stage Schools put focus on youth at Mullingar Arts Centre

The Kinder, Junior and Senior Stage Schools are back at Mullingar Arts Centre. The Kinder members are learning and playing, singing, acting out rhymes, dancing on the spot, making up their own moves and telling stories, as well as listening, and speaking in front of others.

Kinder class is busy and is the start of the performing arts journey for some children. Sarah Nally, head of Stage Schools, says: “We are privileged to be some of the first grown-ups outside of school to teach, help and support the children attending Kinder classes.”

Kinder meetings are every Monday evening in the arts centre – and Mullingar Stage School is every Saturday, when members take classes in dance, drama and singing – all three disciplines every week. For two hours, children and young people let their creativity flow, express themselves physically and vocally, and meet, make and maintain friends.

Kinder Stage School members.

As usual, there is lots planned, and as well as the weekly classes, there will be visiting professionals focusing on other creative disciplines: stage/set design, lighting, stage makeup, creative writing, acting for the camera and more.

The in-house shows for parents and guardians will return, as will preparation classes for those wishing to pursue exams with the Royal Irish Academy. Exam classes are on Wednesdays from November and are free to Stage School members.

The end of year musical for Junior Stage School will be possible this year, and Senior Stage School members will have their end of year stage debut also.

Rural Stage Schools

“It is really important to us in the arts centre that those that live outside of Mullingar can engage in and enjoy the performing arts,” said Sarah. “We have numerous outreach programmes in schools and Rural Stage Schools in Kilbeggan, Rochfortbridge, Rathwire, Delvin, Rathowen, Loughegar that happen after school. This is a great opportunity for children and young people to do something fun with friends from their local communities.”

Rathowen Rural Stage School members.

Classes focus on singing, dancing and drama and are taught by tutors from all disciplines. Rural Stage School members are no strangers to the stage either, their annual showcase sees them up in front of an audience at in the arts centre, and some are involved in the Mullingar pantomime and other performing arts projects based at the centre.

Mullingar Youth Theatre

Mullingar Youth Theatre runs every Sunday for transition year students and older. It is an opportunity to challenge older performers and allows them to focus on one or two disciplines; there is also an emphasis on creating theatre pieces for performance, and involvement in local shows. The group have a musical number in the upcoming show Happy Days are Here Again on November 12 and 13.

The three core disciplines are acting, musical theatre and singing, and while these are provided by local professionals and tutors, participants often decide the content as it is ‘their’ youth theatre.

They have professionals visiting for masterclasses in writing, stage presence, comedy and so on, and the first is by Michael Scott, writer and theatre director. Padraic McIntyre, author and director, and Anne Griffin, author, will also share their knowledge, expertise and passion with members.

More information

For more details on classes, see mullingarartscentre.ie, call 044 934 7777 or email stageschool@mullingarartscentre.ie. On Facebook and Instagram, you will see some of what happens in the classes.

Mullingar Stage Schools



Rural Stage Schools

