Railway Market starting in February at the Bandhall

The Railway Market is a new offering in Mullingar, opening on Saturday February 19 and returning on selected Saturdays (11am-3pm).

It is a general market which will include an eclectic mix of goods and items for customers and stall holders, from food and craft stalls, to gifts and bric a brac stalls.

The Railway Market will take place at The Bandhall, Zone A, Mullingar Business Park, N91YY96 – beside the railway tunnel in Blackhall. It is easily accessible from the town centre for pedestrians and vehicles, via the tunnel from the town centre; or from the business park passing Expert Electrical.

Market operator, Patricia Magee said: “The Railway Market stalls are both indoor and outdoor at the Bandhall – a space that is attractive, clean, and enclosed.

"If you are a crafter, artist, baker, foodie or have an interest in trading at The Railway Market, please get in touch. Enquiries are welcome to our email address marketmullingar@gmail.com.”

There is a new Facebook page, The Railway Market – Mullingar.