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Decisions due on large housing developments in Robinstown

The firm behind plans to build a 95 unit residential development in Robinstown should find out this week if the project has been given the green light by Westmeath County Council.

The application submitted by Kelbuild Ltd for the Harbour Road/Martin's Lane site includes details for the construction of a three storey block of 16 apartments, 43 duplex/apartments (21 two beds and 22 three beds) and 36 three and four bed semi-detached houses, as well as a crèche facility, 123 car parking spaces and 206 bicycle parking spaces.

The decision due date for the application is February 19.

It's the first of two planning applications for large scale developments in the Robinstown area that are scheduled to be decided by local planners in the coming weeks.

On February 23, WHS Property Holdings Ltd are set to find out if their application for 81 residential units and a 90 bed nursing home has been given the go-ahead.

The application submitted in December includes details for the for the construction of 81 residential units (16 apartments and 65 houses) and a 90 bed three storey nursing home on a site off the Castlepollard road. The applicant is also seeking planning permission for a single storey coffee shop.