Minister Peter Burke and Roisin Ni Tighernain (school principle) welcomed Janis Silis to Educate Together NS.

Latvian Ambassador visits Educate Together NS

HE Mr Jānis Sīlis, Latvian Ambassador to Ireland, and Minister Peter Burke visited Mullingar Educate Together NS on Monday, Europe Day, ahead of the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s entry to the European Community on January 1, 1973.

The ambassador and Minister Burke were treated to some performances in the hall, where the student council and Green-Schools committee sang a song about being a VIP, then Chloe’s fifth class sang You’ve Got a Friend in Me as the school celebrated their European friends.

Sophie’s third class performed the rap they wrote for Team Ireland in the Winter Olympics.

After that, the VIP guests went on a whistle-stop tour of the school to meet the classes who had each learned about a European nation.

After the tour the Latvian/ Irish pupils had tea and some Latvian treats with the ambassador. They also enjoyed Vasriga cakes made by a Latvian family who attend the school.

Everyone had a wonderful day.