Team Hope volunteers working on filling shoeboxes (library pic).

Westmeath praised for support of Team Hope shoebox appeal

Westmeath has been praised for its support each year of the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal, which delivers gifts to children in poorer countries.

The Westmeath contact, Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal manager, Jonathan Douglas, said: “For the children who receive the shoeboxes at Christmas, it’s wonderful for them to know people across Ireland are thinking of them and have taken time out to send joy and hope to them.

"We’ve always had such brilliant support from schools, families and communities in Westmeath and we’re hoping to see the same fantastic response to the Shoebox Appeal in 2022.”

The 2022 Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal launches this week. Team Hope are calling on parents, children, teachers, families and communities to build-a-box at home or online to help them reach their goal of 200,000 shoeboxes this year – for 13 countries in Africa and eastern Europe.

All you have to do is find an empty box, wrap it in Christmas paper and fill it with gifts for a boy or girl age 2-14, give online or attach a €4 donation and take it to a drop off point before Tuesday November 8 – or you can build-a-box online by donating at

One of Team Hope’s local partners will build a box on your behalf on-the-ground and make sure it goes where it’s needed.

When considering the items to gift, think of the 4Ws: wear – gloves, hat, scarf, socks, top, underwear; wash – comb, soap, sponge, toothbrush and toothpaste, washcloth; write – colouring pencils, notepad, writing accessories; wow – think of items like musical instruments, puzzles, a ball, a skipping rope, a soft toy or a toy car.

Team Hope Shoebox Week runs this year from October 31 to November 6.

You can also drop your shoebox off at any Dealz store nationwide. For teachers, there are also class lessons and teaching resources available online.

Team Hope CEO Peter Heaney said: “I’ve seen and heard first hand the impact that receiving a shoebox can have. A gift of simple things, stationery or clothes, can help children in their schooling in countries where these items are difficult to afford.”

But more than that, receiving a shoebox helps children experience some of that intangible joy that childhood is all about.

“Families, schools and communities across Ireland have always been so brilliant at getting behind our appeal and ensuring we get Christmas Shoeboxes to those children who really need them. This year, the need is greater than ever and we appreciate everyone who takes part in the Appeal and can assure them that their donation will bring a smile to a child facing poverty.”