Ballyglass Cemetery. Source: Google Maps.

Ballyglass opening hours should be extended - Wallace

The opening hours at Ballyglass Cemetery should be extended to enable people with mobility issues to drive in and visit their loved ones' graves.

That's according to Cllr Emily Wallace, who made the request at the October meeting of Mullingar Kinnegad Municipal District (MKMD). She suggested that an electric gate could be installed “which could give the ability to extend opening hours when required”.

She said that many people with mobility issues depend on family members for lifts to the cemetery; family members who work during its current 8am to 4.30pm opening hours.

Responding to Cllr Wallace's motion, the MKMD said that there is no plan to install an electronic gate at the cemetery.

“The essence of the request to facilitate extended opening hours for vehicular access is acknowledged, particular in the context of those visitors to Ballyglass Cemetery with mobility issues,” MKMD said.

“The matter has been reviewed, and it is not proposed to alter the current access arrangements to the cemetery. This conclusion is based on potential negative unintended consequences that may arise as a result of introducing vehicular access beyond the current times, most notable from both a security and health and safety perspective.

“It is considered that such concerns outweigh the potential benefit that may accrue to visitors to the cemetery as a result of the installation of electric gates.”

Cllr Wallace asked that the local authority look at “holding a consultation with the community to see if there was an evening, or a day, that we could look at for a trial period to see if it [extending opening hours] would be workable for the community”.

“There are a number of people there who want to visit their loved ones. It's our duty to help where we can. It's an ongoing issue. Numerous councillors have brought it up over the years,” she said.

Cllr Ken Glynn said that it is a “disgrace” that the opening hours can't be extended.

“It's disgusting and it's a disgrace. I am embarrassed that we can not offer better in the main graveyard in the principle town of Westmeath,” he said.

Director of Service David Jones said that to extended opening hours beyond 4.30pm would mean that outdoor staff would have to be paid overtime. He said that from a “budget management point of view” there are “other priorities”.

However, he added that the “principle of maximising access to our cemeteries to visit loved ones' graves by everyone within our community, we agree one percent”.

“...We are open to listen, Cllr Wallace, and engage with yourself further in relation to it,” he said.