Speed limits review in 2023

Requests for traffic calming measures going into towns and villages, safety audits and changes in speed limits should be made between now and the new year, when a review will take place.

The review is being done in conjunction with a new road safety plan that aims to reduce road deaths on the 2,371km of Westmeath roads to two by 2024 and serious injuries to 11 by 2030.

One hundred and thirty six people lost their lives on Irish roads last year, 10 fewer than the previous year.

The goal is to eliminate death and serious injury on our roads by 2050.

Colm Smith, administrative officer (road safety) with Westmeath County Council, told a Transportation SPC meeting in November that achieving that goal will depend on political commitment, funding and behavioural change, among other factors.

Cllr Aoife Davitt called for a review of speed limits, especially in areas that have become built up of late, while Cllr Denis Leonard asked for improved traffic calming measures at towns and villages.

The chairperson, Cllr Hazel Smyth, said the discussion was timely as the Irish Road Victims Association was celebrating its 10th anniversary. She said that the new plan should include motorcycles and e-scooters.

Mr Smith said that a speed limit review will take place in early 2023, while Damien Grennan, senior engineer, added that a draft traffic calming policy will also be presented early next year.

Any requests for traffic calming measures, safety audits and speed limit changes should be submitted in advance.

At the meeting, Cllr Frank McDermott was appointed to the Road Safety Group to replace Cllr Tom Farrell, who had stepped down. Cllr McDermott was proposed by Cllr Davitt, seconded by Cllr Leonard.