The NCT Test Centre in Mullingar Business Park. Source: Google Maps.

Pass rate at NCT test centre in Mullingar higher than the national average

The pass rate at the NCT test centre in Mullingar is higher than the national average.

According to newly released figures for 2022, over 58.35 per cent of cars passed their NCT at the test centre in Mullingar, which is located in Mullingar Business Park.

The pass rate at the centre in Mullingar is higher than at the centre in Athlone (54.29%) and Longford (55.42%), but lower than Tullamore (59.22%), which has the sixth highest pass rate in the country.

The test centre in Deansgrange in Dublin, which is the busiest in the country, also has the highest pass rate (62.65%), followed by Abbeyfeale in Limerick (60.58%) and Killarney (59.87%).

The test centre in Derrybeg in Donegal has lowest pass rate in the country (40.01%), followed by Cavan (42.25%) and Clifden (43.96%). The average pass rate nationally last year is 54.29%.

Almost 1,400,000 cars were tested across the country last year.