Sean Óg Doyne, Mary Doyne and Sean Doyne and front, Jacob Doyne.

Stephen’s Day tractor run raises nearly €30,000 for Good2Talk

A St Stephen’s Day tractor run in north Westmeath in honour of the memory of a Glenidan man who passed away during the year raised almost €30,000 for Good2Talk, the Mullingar based not-for-profit community counselling service.

More than 230 tractors took part in the event, held in memory of Martin Doyne, who died unexpectedly in March. Martin was a valued and popular member of the community in north Westmeath and his friends and neighbours turned out in force on December 26 to celebrate his life.

In addition to the successful tractor run, on New Year’s Eve five local men – Niall Mulvaney, Derek Weldon, Sean Óg Doyne and Noel Smith – had their hair and beards shaved off.

Between the two events, a total of €28,510 was raised. The cheque was presented to Pearl Brock from Good2Talk at an event in Doyne’s Pub on Saturday February 11.

Speaking to the Westmeath Examiner, one of the organisers of the event, David Buckley, said that the amount raised exceeded everyone’s expectations. “From the Doyne family and the committee that organised the tractor run in memory of Martin Doyne, we sincerely thank you for your help and support with the tractor run and head shave. Without your help it would not have been possible or been such a success.

“We hope this money might save at least one family from the heartache that suicide brings. And let’s all remember it’s good to talk,” he said.