Gym and other premises raided in drugs crackdown in Donegal

Stephen Maguire

Gardaí in Donegal have recovered drugs, steroids and vapes in a huge crackdown on illegal substances.

The raids took place on three properties and two vehicles.

One of the premises raided was a well-known gym in Letterkenny.

Gardaí swooped as part of an interagency search operation in conjunction with the Health Products Regulatory Authority in Letterkenny.

Gardaí confirmed the searches, which took place on Thursday last, were targeting the sale and supply of controlled drugs.

A range of substances were seized during the raids. They include €1,100 benzodiazepines, €2,000 steroids/controlled tablets and 14 boxes of cannabis vapes.

All the seized items have been sent to Forensic Science Ireland for analysis.

A Garda spokesperson said "Enquiries are ongoing in relation to this investigation."