Mullingar Rugby Club president Conall Fitzgerald.

Exciting times lie ahead, says Mullingar Rugby Club president

Mullingar Rugby Football Club is at a defining moment in its history, setting the stage for an ambitious trajectory under president Conall Fitzgerald. A recent interview with Fitzgerald provided rich insights into the club's vision and strategy for the upcoming season and beyond.

The club is buzzing with excitement over the new players who have joined the men’s and women’s teams. Additionally, the transition of under-18 players to the senior level has provided a much-needed boost to the roster. Fitzgerald highlights this as a significant development, stating, "We have a number of our under-18 players moving up to senior level, which is very exciting."

The men's senior team has set their sights high, aiming for a promotion to Division 1B.

"To be very competitive in Division 2A with the ultimate aim of promotion back to 1B is the goal," says Fitzgerald. Alongside this, the club has targeted a successful run in the Towns Cup, underlining its aspirations.

Not to be left behind, the women's team is planning to build on its remarkable performance last season. The young squad is eager to secure its place in Division 1 and to make a lasting impression in cup competitions.

The club is also putting an emphasis on youth development. "To make the environment as good as possible and ensure all of our players are improving and playing regularly," Fitzgerald said. Success in league and cup competitions is viewed as a natural progression from this focus on youth.

The club has not limited its ambitions to on-field performance. A newly constructed gym aims to keep the players fit, healthy, and motivated.

Just around the corner is the completion of a state-of-the-art 4G training area. "We are nearly finished with our new 4G training area," Fitzgerald explained.

Long-term plans include a comprehensive renovation of the clubhouse, with improved dressing rooms and amenities, showcasing the club's commitment to holistic development.

When asked about his long-term vision for the club, Fitzgerald was crystal clear. "Maximising the potential of all our players will naturally feed through to strengthen our squads and our club," he said. The club’s five-year vision outlines a bold plan that aims to uplift every facet of its operations.

What keeps the club’s president motivated is the joy that rugby brings to all involved, from the youngest minis to the seasoned veterans. "Watching our players, from 5 to 45, enjoying their sport: it's a privilege to be trusted by our members with this position," Fitzgerald noted.

In a club so focused on collective growth and individual development, the future indeed seems bright. With a strong vision and commitment, Mullingar Rugby Football Club is gearing up for an era of unprecedented success.