Wellies flying through the air at the National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska.

Macra breaks world wellie throwing record

Macra have announced that they have broken the Guinness World Record for the ‘Most Persons Simultaneously Throwing Wellington Boots’ today.

It happened at the National Ploughing Championships, in Ratheniska, where 995 participants from across Ireland gathered to participate in the attempt.

Elaine Houlihan, Macra national president, said: “Excitement was in the air as the countdown began, and at the signal participants launched their wellington boots into the air in unison. Hundreds of wellingtons flew through the air, which was a sight to behold in itself.

“The atmosphere here today was beyond imagination. It’s a testament to everyone here at the ploughing who backed Macra in our world record attempt. We had so much support here today, we want to thank the McHugh family for allowing us to take on this record and we want to thank our sponsors FBD and Portwest.”

Macra adhered to the Guinness World Record rules for record attempts and will submit their evidence to Guinness World Records in order to have the attempt verified.

The verification process can take several weeks.

Macra will be working closely with Agri Aware to distribute the wellies used in today’s record breaking event to schools across the country.

To stay up to date with Macra’s world record attempt, follow them on Instagram and Facebook, @macranafeirme.

The crowd assembled for the wellington throw at the ploughing.