Kristupas Ulys and Brandon Loran chatting to Willie Collentine from Westmeath Fire service, Mullingar.

Busy night at St Finian’s College Career Fair

All national universities and colleges were represented at the St Finian’s College Career Fair last Wednesday, evening, November 29.

Guidance counsellors Aine Kirby, Mark Bourke and Leaving Cert year head Eddie Casserly organised the event for students in senior cycle. It was the first time the school had run such an event for TYs, fifth and sixth years and their parents.

All national universities and colleges including Trinity, TUS Athlone, UCD, UL, Cavan, Gurteen, Sligo, Moate, Maynooth, Galway and DCU along with Generation Ireland and Solas for apprenticeships were represented.

Parents and past pupils of the college were represented at the professional stands – health, medical, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physio, paramedics, midwifery, nursing, radiography and psychology; areas outside of health included law, education, journalism, acting, entrepreneurship, science and engineering, architecture, accounting and finance, IT, veterinary, social sciences, An Garda Síochána and the fire service.

The feedback from the colleges and the professions was excellent, many of them commenting on how well prepared the St Finian’s students were with their questions for the different professions and courses.

The school’s senior staff thanked the TYs, fifth and sixth years for supporting the event in such numbers.

“It was a very busy night. Thank you to all staff members for assisting our visitors with tea, coffee, sandwiches, and general enquiries. Also, the junior prefects and TYs who assisted the visitors on arrival and throughout the evening. A particular thank you to the parents, colleges and professionals without whom we would not have been able to host the event. It was a great success. Well done to all.”