The Christmas craft fair and coffee morning at the Praxis Care Mullingar Day Service.

Family and friends gather for Praxis Care craft fair

Praxis Care’s Mullingar Day Service showed the creativity of adults with intellectual disabilities, autism, or mental ill health at their Christmas craft fair and coffee morning.

Guests at the event included family members, colleagues and residents from other Praxis Care services, and it raised €416.

Attendee Declan Finegan invited four generations of his family to the event: his grandmother, mam, two of his brothers, sister-in-law and six-month-old niece. His mother, Patricia Finegan, said: “The staff are just wonderful. Family is always made to feel welcome all the time, not just today. The staff are like parents away from home.”

The 12 attendees at the Mullingar Day Service crafted a variety of items for sale, including handmade Christmas tree decorations, festive art pieces, and delectable pies.

Crafty Cuts donated wooden items skillfully decorated by the attendees, while Buckley’s SuperValu Mullingar contributed sweet treats, adding an extra touch of delight to the occasion.

The funds raised from the event will be dedicated to the establishment of a sensory room, a valuable resource that will enhance the wellbeing and support provided to the service attendees.

Declan Finegan and Danny Lazzarini.