David Jones.

SF local election candidate calls for more one and two-bed social housing

More one and two-bedroom social housing is needed in in rural towns like Delvin, Clonmellon, Raharney, and Collinstown, according to Sinn Féin local election candidate David Jones from Delvin.

In a press release issued this week, Mr Jones said that there is a "need to cater to the changing demographics and growing demand for smaller, more manageable homes for single individuals, elderly couples, and small families in these areas".

"When addressing the social housing crisis the focus has primarily been on larger family homes, overlooking the housing needs of smaller households. It is important to provide suitable housing options to retain residents, support local economies, and maintain vibrant community life in rural towns," he said.

Additionally, Jones pointed out what he sees as "the potential benefits of constructing smaller units, such as reduced building costs and quicker turnaround times, which could help alleviate the housing shortage more rapidly".

He urged local authorities and the government to consider "the long-term benefits of diversifying the types of social housing being built, to include more one and two-bedroom units".

Mr Jones said that he will continue "to push for a housing strategy that is inclusive and responsive to the needs of all residents in rural towns".

"More one and two-bedroom social housing units is a crucial step towards ensuring that everyone has access to a suitable and affordable place to call home in rural communities," he said.