35-hectare solar farm planning application lodged with council

A PLANNING application for a 35-hectares solar farm in the townlands of Milltown and Cortown, near Kells, has been lodged with Meath County Council. The application also seeks permission for ten metres of underground cabling to connect with the cabling of a previously approved solar farm in the area.

Harmony Solar Milltown Limited is seeking a 10-year permission for the development of the solar farm on a site of 35.81 hectares consisting of 211,320 sqm of solar photovoltaic panels on ground mounted steel frames, six hardstanding locations for electrical skids, new internal access tracks, underground power and communications cables and ducts.

A new access from the L6835 public road is also proposed along with access gates, landscaping and biodiversity enhancement measures, boundary fencing and all associated ancillary development, site works and services.

The proposed solar farm would be operational for a period of 40 years. Also part of the proposal is the installation of underground electrical cabling and associated infrastructure within the public road corridor along the L6835 public road for approximately 10 metres to connect into the permitted underground cabling associated with the permitted ‘Milltown Solar Farm' which is located to the north of the site within the townland of Milltown.

Harmony Solar Milltown Limited already has planning permission for a 121.5 hectares solar farm on two sites in the townlands of Milltown and Moyagher Lower, Cortown, Kells. The application covers two sites- the north parcel in the Milltown townland, extends to approximately 41.2 hectares while the south parcel in the Moyagher Lower Townland extends to approximately 80.3 hectares. Meath County Council's granting of permission for the development in August 2021 was appealed to an Bord Pleanala which in March 2022 upheld the granting of permission but with modifications.

A separate application by the company to lay underground 33kv medium voltage electrical cables along almost 3km of public roads was also granted by Meath Co Council in August 2022.

The underground cable is to connect the South Parcel, in Moyagher Lower townland, with the North Parcel, in Milltown townland, of Milltown Solar Farm and would run within the L6835, L6836, and L80021 for a distance of approximately 2,991 metres.

A Strategic Infrastructure Development Application for an associated 110kV substation was also permitted by An Bord Pleanála in the North parcel of the permitted solar farm.