Brigid Geoghegan, Sláintecare Healthy Communities Westmeath local development officer; and Sarah McManus, Westmeath Healthy Ireland coordinator.

Celebrating all that’s healthy and positive in your county

A free event organised by Healthy Communities and Healthy Westmeath will “celebrate all that is healthy and positive about life in the county”.

Belvedere House Gardens and Park, Mullingar hosts the event on Saturday May 18 (11am-4pm) and entry to both the event and Belvedere is free that day.

Last year more than 2,000 people attended the event and enjoyed health-related activities for young and old as part of a fun-filled and informative day.

Westmeath provides many opportunities for people to get healthy, stay active and inspire connections, and Well Westmeath will showcase a variety including a special information village; music; dance; guided tours; nature walks; fun exercises and have a go at physical activities.

There will also be showcasing music and dance performances from local artists and groups.

Brigid Geoghegan, Sláintecare Healthy Communities Westmeath local development officer, said: “We are looking forward to the event; it will be a fun, family day out, and we are inviting everyone to join us to enjoy live entertainment, guided tours, nature walks and gentle exercise classes, as well as our extensive information village stands.

“We want to express a huge thank-you to everyone who has assisted in getting the event together, including stand holders, tour guides, Emerald Lakes Academy, Music Generation, sporting organisations, Westmeath Sports Partnership and Westmeath County Council. Also, we’d like to say a big thank-you to Lidl Mullingar for sponsorship of water and fruit.”

Sarah McManus, Healthy Ireland Westmeath coordinator, said the day could not happen without the support of many agencies and services including the stand holders and sports tutors and development officers. “We hope the event will help people learn more about their own health and wellbeing as well as enjoying the beautiful scenery of the historic Belvedere House Gardens and Park. A big shout-out to Emerald Lakes Academy for leading out the entertainment along with the National Park and Wildlife ranger, tour guides and all of Belvedere staff.”

Healthy Communities and Healthy Westmeath thanked their colleagues in Westmeath County Council for their support and facilitating the event to be held in Belvedere and especially for free entry to Belvedere for the day. “Without that support, Well Westmeath could not happen.”

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