Collentine calls for new 'community hub' for Mullingar

A news community hub in Mullingar could become the “epicentre” for the voluntary sector in the town.

That's according to Cllr Bill Collentine, who has called on Westmeath County Council to explore the viability of providing a facility for the town.

The Fianna Fail man says that many community groups “are on their knees” financially due to rising operating costs. The establishment of a community hub would help ease the burden on local groups, he says.

“A hub such as this , if planned correctly, could provide a home to various local groups including charities, community groups and sporting organisations. The need for such a complex has been made clear to me over the last six months as groups such as these, who provide a massive contribution to our society, struggle with rent, rates, insurance and utility costs.

“There are numerous examples of community hubs that become the epicentre of an area. A suitable site would encompass a number of mid size sheds/units for various sporting groups, various small office spaces for local charities such as counselling services, holistic therapies etc, larger meeting/activity rooms for groups such as yoga and play therapy, and a dedicated common area providing toilets, kitchens and ancillary services.

“In time this community hub could be expanded to provide support services for the elderly and youth including clothes washing areas and showers for those who may not have these facilities at home.

“The advantage of such a development is that it vastly reduces each group's overheads, provides a suitable, secure, one stop location and can be expanded over the years as our community changes to meet the latest challenges.

“Each group would pay an agreed fee based on size and usage, cover their own utility costs and agree to terms of service set out by a management company.

“It must be emphasised that local groups are on their knees and finding it extremely hard to operate in the current climate, increased utilities especially electricity and insurance are having a detrimental effect on these groups viability. They provide a massive link in our society, often voluntarily, and are often not missed and supported until it is too late and they are gone.

“I am calling on WCC to locate a viable site and investigate funding channels so we can support these local groups and build a community hub which we can all use and be proud of.”

Responding to Cllr Collentine's motion at the recent local authority meeting, Westmeath County Council said: “The council, in the Mullingar Local Area Plan, has stated its commitment to the provision of accessible community facilities to serve the needs and expectations of a growing and diverse population and that should possible facilities should cluster with existing community infrastructure and should be preferably be located in the town centre or within designated neighbourhood centres. Provision of such facilities can be considered in the context of identification and quantification of the community needs and in conjunction with state, semi state and voluntary agencies and also subject to the availability of funding streams to facilitate such development.”