Eamonn Bray (centre), president, North Midlands Region, CBAI, (Contract Bridge Association of Ireland) presents their prizes to John Higgins (left) and John Regan.

Great win for the two Johns

Mullingar Bridge and Amenity Centre hosted the prestigious Regional President’s Prize on Sunday 19 May, when 70 players from throughout the region battled for the top prize.

Speaking at the competition, regional president, Eamonn Bray, welcomed all players and said he had a wonderful year as president. He visited all the clubs in the region during his term and found them all to be active and enjoying great attendance.

He encouraged all the members to invite new people to take up bridge as it is a wonderful pastime, particularly during the long winter nights. It is a great way of meeting new friends and cementing friendships. Regardless of whether you are a master player or a beginner, everyone can have an enjoyable night.

Contact your local bridge club or someone that you know who plays bridge in your area to join.

After three and a half hours of playing, six pairs were competing for the top score, and in the end, two Castlepollard men, John Regan and John Higgins, scooped the top prize.

At the presentation John Higgins spoke about how happy and excited he was to win a regional president’s prize for the first time. He thanked the Eamonn Bray for hosting the competition; Sean Galligan, the tournament director for running the competition so successfully; and the Bridge Centre committee, under the stewardship of cChairperson, Sean Galligan, for providing such a beautiful facility for the competition. Everyone then sat down to a beautiful meal, provided by David Smyth Catering.