Cllr Paul Hogan says that a number of his posters were damaged at locations throughout the Moate LEA.

Hogan calls on all candidates to 'deplore and condemn gutter electioneering’

Independent Ireland's Councillor Paul Hogan has called on all candidates in the Moate Local Electoral Area to publicly condemn what he described as "gutter electioneering and interference with other candidate’s posters".

Cllr Hogan, who is also running as a candidate in the Athlone LEA, says that he has posters damaged in a number of locations throughout the Moate LEA.

He wants his fellow candidates in the Moate LEA "to publicly deplore and condemn interference with any other candidate’s posters".

“I have had posters damaged to the value of €400. Posters were slashed with a blade in Ballinagore, Tyrrellspass, Kilbeggan, Lilliput and Dalystown.

"It is very clear that it is politically motivated as posters for another local candidate would be erected on the same pole on the same night that mine are damaged.

“It is an offence under Section 2 of the Criminal Damage Act 1991 to damage or intend to cause damage to the property of another or even being reckless which is likely to cause damage to anyone else’s property. I am currently reviewing CCTV from a local business and dashcam footage in an attempt to identify the culprits.

"The financial penalty for causing such damage ranges from €1270 to €12700 depending on the seriousness of the case. I will be contacting the guards in relation to this.

“Elections should be fought cleanly and without interference in anyone else’s campaign. Having election posters slashed with a blade is not just a criminal act but it is a prime example of gutter electioneering. It is the lowest of the low. It is a sign of a candidate who is worried about the level of support I am receiving on the doors.

“This is not just a co-ordinated attack on my posters but it is also an attack on the people of Castletown Geoghegan, Ballinagore, Dysart, Loughnavalley, Ballinea, Kilbeggan, Dalystown, Milltown, Ballynacargy, Moate and Tyrrellspass and others across the district, who kindly and generously supported my recent fundraiser. This fundraiser paid for my election campaign including these posters.

“I am calling on all candidates to publicly deplore and condemn those who are trying to influence the election process by causing criminal damage to posters.

“I am receiving huge support on the doors. This latest attempt will not deter me in any way and will not distract my campaign. I thank the people of this Local Electoral Area for their continued support," he said.