Melanie McQuade, heritage officer, Westmeath County Council.

Submission search for Westmeath Heritage Plan

Submission search for Westmeath Heritage Plan

Westmeath County Council are starting to develop a new Heritage Plan for Westmeath County and they are looking for your views.

The last Heritage Plan ran from 2010 to 2015 and contained 88 actions, including.

A survey of prehistoric barrows in Westmeath

Restoration of the unique beehive at Adolphus Cooke’s resting place

Fore Conservation Management Plan (2010)

Biodiversity workbooks for schools on ‘Important Habitats of Westmeath’

One of the above, St Fechin’s Trail in Fore, was named by the National Community and Council Awards as the ‘Best Heritage Project in Ireland’ in 2017.

The Heritage Plan is a vital part of the county identity. According to the WCC draft issues paper. “Heritage is both tangible and intangible. It is how we identify ourselves and define a sense of place. Cultural heritage can include local history, folklore, traditions, place genealogy.”

Submissions for the last Heritage Plan were made in 2009. “Priorities have changed,” says Melanie McQuade, heritage officer for Westmeath County Council.

“People are more aware natural heritage... of bees and pollinators than they were then... and curlews”.

If there is a historical structure that you feel needs repairs, an area of the landscape that you feel needs more attention, or a native creature that you’re concerned about, the Westmeath County Council are looking for your perspective.You may even feel that there is an action on the last Heritage Plan that is not completed, so now is the time to raise your heritage needs.

Public meetings begin this week, and submissions are open until 20 December.


Public meetings

Thurs 16 November 6-7.30pm - Castlepollard Library 

Tues 21st November 6 - 7.45pm - Moate Library

Thurs 23rd November 6 -7.45pm - Mullingar Library

Tues 12th December 6 -7.45pm - Athlone Library

For further details on the process of drafting the Heritage Plan see. http.//