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Troy critical over 'unfair' M4 tolls


Fianna Fáil, spokesperson on transport, Robert Troy has repeated his calls for a full review of road tolling charges to be carried out.

The Mullingar based TD believes road users from Longford and Westmeath are being charged at a disproportionate rate on the M4 when compared to other tolled roads throughout the country.

“It is quite clear from the data available that motorists on the M4 are bearing the brunt of toll charges when we compare prices to other similar roads throughout the country,” stated Deputy Troy.

The current rate for use of the M4 road is €2.90 for a car, €4.40 for a small van and up to €7.10 for a heavy goods vehicle.

“These rates are completely out of sync with all other roads,” continued Deputy Troy.

“We only have to look at the M6 in Ballinsloe where motorists are charged €1.90.

“Users of the M2 fare even better only having to pay €1.40 per trip.

“There does not seem to be any correlation in the pricing on the part of Transport Infrastructure Ireland and it is high time that the Minister stepped in and ensured proper regulation of toll road pricing.”

Deputy Troy said that the current crippling prices along the M4 will only succeed in forcing road users off the motorway and back on to the regional roads.

“And this will totally negate the massive investment which we have put in to these roads,” he said, stating that he would be raising this issue again with the Minister in the coming weeks and asking him to provide some clarity on what was a “frustrating” issue for motorists.