Westmeath examiner dabbler art competition

The Westmeath Examiner is delighted to announce the launch of the Westmeath Examiner Dabbler Schools Art Competition for all primary school students in our circulation area. The winner will receive a SET OF JERSEYS, from KC Sports, for their school (with the schools colors and crest). We are asking for primary school students to re-design the Westmeath Examiner masthead with a Christmas theme (see picture below for an example). 

It is not necessary that students use the masthead as a template but if they wish to please feel free to print the masthead attached at the end of this article. We’d also love to see a re-design of the masthead with a Christmas theme but it’s completely up to your teacher or student whether they choose to use the current masthead with a Christmas theme OR re-design the masthead with a Christmas theme.

We will publish the runner-up re-designed mastheads in the editions throughout December with the overall winner being published on the front page of the Westmeath Examiner on the edition dated Saturday 27th December (out Tuesday 23rd December).

The competition is open to all National Schools within the Westmeath Examiner area and is limited to one entry per pupil.

A brief outline of the competition is also attached at the end of this article, details of the prize, which is a set of jerseys and the closing date of the competition, Friday 21st November.

We look forward with excitement to receiving the entries from all the primary schools.

Westmeath Examiner Masthead Template 

Brief Outline of Dabbler Art Competition